Tuesday, September 6, 2011

10 year Anniversary

I know every town in America is planning  some type of tribute or memorial service this Sunday, marking the ten year aanniversary of September 11, 2001. This picture is at the department I volunteer Fire and EMS with. I am honored to be a member of a fire service. May these 343 flags we placed be a somber reminder of the NY FD who lost some of its bravest that day.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Paramedic Vs. ER Nurse

This is old, but its funny, and in a twisted way, theres some truth to this, and all the others that are like it!


Thursday, September 1, 2011

What am I getting myself into????

So Medic class hasn't officially started yet, and I'm thinking what the hell am I getting myself into? Of course this is what I want, but am I competent enough to really pull this off? We were emailed an assignment to read the first three chapters in our text book. Piece of cake, and since I'm an over achiever I made sure I did the work book as well. Then I flipped back to the back of the book, yay.. drug flash cards. A co-worker and myself cut them out. There is a lot, and there is a few I cant even pronounce. I'm concerned, each card contains a lot of information. Normally, memorization is VERY easy for me, but this seems like something that can become overwhelming very quickly. I'm glad I already got these together and I must start reading each of them carefully now, but for once I'm not sure at all what form of memorization is going to work for me. Also where do I begin? Ugh! I know that I will get this figured out, and I know if so many others did it, theres nothing stopping me, I just hate not having a game plan and control. However, this is just the beginning and I am excited for the next 14 months....12 days till the first day of class....that is if they don't push it back again! Look out, here I come!